Monday, December 1, 2008

I'll do it later...

I swear that should be my mantra.

I am the hugest procrastinator EVER! Only time I do things in a timely manner is when other people are depending on me. But when I am doing things like finishing assignments, making business calls, or typing up a report...I wait until the very last minute. Hell I even procrastinate when it comes to cooking dinner.

I never really worried about it before because no matter what...things still got done. But NOW I have put myself in a bind for waiting until the last damn minute to do something, and its fucking up my money. Now a chick is hurt...because if I would have done what I was supposed to do as soon as I got the task, I would be paid right now!

I have to end this bad ass habit. So I am about to make a list of all the things I should be working towards right now. My incentive for completing this list is yet to be determined...but I will think of something to keep me motivated. I might have to start doing this every week.